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An overview on Race Condition and Second Order Race Condition

Introduction A race condition is a vulnerability that occurs when multiple threads or processes attempt to access the same shared resource simultaneo…

How I found same type of open redirection vulnerability in several subdomains | 0xshahriar

Assalam O Alaikum  السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ This is the story about finding same open redirection vulnerability in several subdomains of an organization…

Tools needed for bugbounty | 0xshahriar

Assalam O Alaikum everyone ! I hope, you guys are okay by the grace of almighty. Today we will discuss about the tools necessary for our bugbounty &a…

How to start for bugbounty | 0xshahriar ?

If you are reading this, then I think, you know what bugbounty is. So, I am not talking about these. If you are not aware of it, then this blog is no…